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Below you will find videos pertaining to salvation, baptism, and spiritual growth. Feel free to click through the video series. 

What must I do to be saved?

There are many differing opinions about how one makes it to heaven. The problem is, so many base their salvation on their own opinion rather than Bible. We believe the Bible is the final authority on heaven. In this video we show you what the scripture says about our sinful condition, the penalty for sin, and how God has given us his love through his Son.


In this video we explain what the Bible says about baptism and its purpose in the Christian life. Many claim that their baptism is their security of heaven. We look at what the Bible says on the subject. 

Do I need the Church?

Once saved, the church is ecential to growth in the Christian life. In this video we talk about the importance of the church in our lives, the early church, and why we should be in church on a regular basis. 

The Word of God to feed the soul.

In this video we talk about the basics of the Bible and why it is needed in the Christian life. We talk about how the word of God is food for the soul.

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